Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Confessions of a Junk Food Junkie - 8 Tricks to Kick the Habit

True Story - I have felt over weight my entire life. Like really over weight. Growing up, I can't remember a specific instance that I felt really comfortable in my own skin. I'd love to tell you that those days are far behind me after my 40 pound weight loss but sadly that is not the case. The struggle is real.

My name is Marie and I'm a girl whose best friend used to be a tube of Chips Ahoy cookies and a super sized glass of milk. It wasn't easy, it's a progress in the works, some days I still fail.

But if I can do it, so can you. Here is a great place to start:

1. Clean the junk food out of your home. - Throw it away or give it to a neighbor but get it out of the house.

2. Eat 80% clean - It is ok to enjoy the sweeter side of life just be conscious of it.

3. Make it a habit - one day at a time. Each time you eat a healthy meal you are one step closer to your goal. Keep moving forward.

4. Plan Ahead - Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance. Get a plan, right it down and follow through.

5. Carry healthy foods with you. - Take a piece of fruit, a power bar, a Shakeology packet with you

5. Explore and discover new healthy foods. Turns out there are so many great foods out there that I never would have tried. One of my new favs is hummus.

6. Get support. Find a friend. You are NOT in this alone.
7. Stay positive. What you think matters. Positive thoughts generate positive feelings and attract positive life experiences.

8. Cut the CRAP - If you want the results you have to put in the work. Stop with the excuses and the blaming. You control you. PERIOD.

You might be one of those lucky souls who just decided to walk away from the candy counter and never looked back. Good for you. I’m not one of those people. Eating right is much easier than it was 5 years ago, but it’s still a process. That said, the rewards are innumerable, so why don’t you set down the pudding pop, grab a peach, and join me?