Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Best of Beachbody Day 2

Day 2 Best of Beachbody
Cario Abs
Today we did Shaun T's Insanity Cardio Abs.  
The title says it all ---- INSANE!
So we had a little fun with it. A workout should be something you enjoy not dread.
Although I believe Tony Horton's Ab Ripper X is THE hardest, biggest bang for your 15 minute ab workout this one comes in number 1 on the fun scale.

It starts with a 3 minute jog, high knees, twist, jump knee tucks warmup, with is the truly insane part. If you have any energy left you, hit the deck for some C-sit core work
Total workout time is just about 20 minutes. 
You will feel this workout in the morning and will be looking forward to it on your calendar!
If you'd like more information let me know. CLICK HERE 

If you're ready to pick up your own copy of SHAUN T'S INSANITY
For now check out our fun video:

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Best of Beachbody

Day 1 of The Best of Beachbody:

P90X Ab Ripper Review

Here is a quick video of me and my co-coach Cheryl busting out some P90X Ab Ribber X
This ab workout is truly the best ab workout on the market! This was the first time I had done ARX in probably over two months because we were on vacation and truthfully just slacking on the ab specific workouts. 
In the P90X program ARX is done 3 times a week. 
Here is just a quick glimpse of some of the moves. We did this last night I am sore this morning! I can feel it in my lower abs, upper abs and my obliques.
The actual video is 16 minutes but only feels like five. Tony moves quickly from one exercise to the next.  No time for boredom, that's for sure! When I first start out, I can only crank out about 18-20 on each exercise. Tony pushes for 25 each and 40 on the last one, Mason twist. 
This workout is for EVERYONE. If I can do it, anyone can do it! 
You can modify or you can do less than the 25 the rest of the group does. This is great because once you get better you will have room to grow.
Even if you aren't doing or have no plans of doing P90X you still need to check out this insane ab workout! You will NOT find another one like it! 
They have an app for it or you can buy the entire program here.

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