Friday, October 4, 2013

FALL IS IN THE AIR - and I love pumpkin!

FALL IS IN THE AIR - and I love pumpkin! 

There is a chill in the air this morning here in Hotlanta and I already miss the heat..... BUT,  I do love the fade of green to the vibrant oranges and yellows of leaves on the trees. The feeling of the brisk air on an afternoon jog. And thought of Halloween and Thanksgiving on the horizon has me wanting to EAT! Pumpkin that is.

Between the pumpkin shakes, lattes, spreads, butters, creamers, donuts, waffles, and breads to name just a few, I can NOT seem to get enough pumpkin. So when I volunteered for my small group to bring a dessert and promised pumpkin, I reflected back in the day, years and years ago I ran across and amazing recipe for a Double Layer Pumpkin Pie. It was always a Thanksgiving hit.  It was no bake and it had TWO layers of yummy goodness. I knew I wanted to replicate it but I knew pie for 15 people just wasn't going to do.  So this is what I came up with-----

for lack of a better name
(I am open to suggestions)

Pumpkin Bowl 
not pie cause it's in a bowl 

I used the Kraft recipe mostly, except I added a tidbit more cool whip and pumpkin cause, well duh, it's good and I can't follow directions.
Double Layer Pumpkin Pie



Graham Crackers I went safe with regular graham cracker but next time I think I'll live on the edge a little use a ginger snap, snicker doodle cookie or a cinnamon graham cracker. 
Pumpkin Pudding Filling make sure to get it all the way to the edge if you are using a glass bowl. If it looks good it will taste even better. 
Cream Cheese Filling be careful not to get them mixed or you will have more of an orange tinted cream cheese filling and not a nice white layer. 
Graham Crackers - I built them like a mosaic to even did a double layer. 
Then spread the rest of the pumpkin and cream cheese. I added a very thin layer of just cool whip to the very top to make it extra white. Then sprinkled with graham crackers. 
This was done by taking two halves of a graham cracker and rubbing them together at the edges. It spreads like dust. 

This recipe makes a GREAT POTLUCK dish.  
Everyone will love it! 
unless they don't then, they can go fall in a well....