Monday, April 21, 2014

Day 1 Ultimate Reset

Day 1.
B. Toast, kale & eggs.
L. Salad & miso soup
S. 1/2 apple & walnuts
D. Salmon, asparagus & boiled red potatoes.
I thought it was going to be a little easier.  The water is super salty to me, but, I think I am starting to get used to it.
The alkaline aka wheat shot tasted like, well, grass.  Foamy grass
Dinner was excellent.  Nomnom
No irregular bowel movements as of yet.
Before dinner I took something called soothe, not sure what that means but we will see.
Although day one was a little rough I can't wait to see my results.
Mind, body & soul. 

Try Ultimate Reset

Monday, April 14, 2014


Join me on a 7 day adventure to jump-start your metabolism and start losing weight today
The challenge includes accountability motivation and fun.
Not to mention a shopping list and a variety of menu items. 
The average weight loss for the last challenge group was 5 pounds. 




Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Ultimate Reset

I am doing Ultimate Reset and starting on April 21st.
To join my April 21st Challenge, go to , pick up your kit an message me you're in, or send me a message on Facebook and we can chat more one in one and see if its right for you and what you want to accomplish. It's definitely an investment and its not easy, but it may just turn into the best program you've ever done and MAYYYYBBB EEEE EVEN Change your life.
Completely detox, completely overhaul your diet, learn how, what, when and HOW MUCH to eat, find those abs that are hiding under layers of poor eating habits and accentuate the time your been putting into your workouts by completing the other half of healthy living with your diet.
Restore your body, sleep better, think better, function better! Completely reset your body and rid yourself of all built up toxins, stress, processed foods, caffeine, sugar, EVEN nicotine if you want to quit smoking.
Coming down to the wire to get your kit in time, just do it! You'll thank me later:) lol
Let's do this!

Before & After Beachbody

Here are just a few of the MANY awesome weight loss results that were made possible with Beachbody and Shakeology.
Ready the entire story at

Weightloss Success Stories

Here are a few more
you can read the whole story at