You can exercise all day long but if you are eating the wrong things you will not lose the weight. -I am learning this the hard way. I convince myself that it's ok to eat that donut because I have or will workout. Which in a sense I feel like it is ok... I want to enjoy life. I love food. I have always considered myself a foody! I love a glass (by a glass I mean bottle) of wine! Ice cold draft beer is pretty fabulous too! I enjoy watching football and I'm fairly confident that football can not exist without beer and chicken wings. It's the perfect trifecta.
Good news for me, I know this is how I operate and knowing is half the battle.
How can my fitness/health can coexist with my beer drinking/fried food eating habits?
1. Don't deprive - pick one day or better yet one meal per week to cheat.
2. Do extra BEFORE you cheat. The extra workout may just detour the cheat.
3. Don't beat yourself up about the cheat. Stress causes belly fat!
4. Do give yourself credit when you don't cheat. But don't lie to yourself either.
5. Don't become stagnant. Keep looking toward your goals and by all means keep moving!
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