If you're unemployed and want a job you cannot simply wish for one. The likelihood of someone coming to your door and dropping it on you is fairly slim. You have got to go out talk to people, fill out applications and follow up.
If you desire a car, I'm pretty sure someone is not going to park a mustang in your driveway with the pink slip in the seat. You've got to research, find a car that works for and go and give someone money.
A functioning relationship is what is in your heart. Trust, communication, understanding are all essential requirements to head in that direction.
My point is that if you want and desire things you have to work for them. Sure wish, hope and pray, the mind is the most powerful tool, but then you have to call to action. Get up and do something.
I love helping people. I love working with others to achieve their goals while achieving mine.
I heard and interesting take on goal setting the other day and it has stuck with me.
- Set Specific goals - be detailed on EXACTLY what you want. I want to lose 10% body fat by Christmas.
- Set Measurable goals - be able to track the PROGRESS. I will lose 4% by December 1st
- Set Ambitious goals - shoot for the moon but be REALISTIC you will not wake up skinny tomorrow.
- Set Relevant goals - make sure your goals are relevant to YOUR life
- Set a Timeline - set a DEADLINE. If you don't you'll have forever to reach your goals and that is exactly how long it will take...